Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Digital Nation Paper: The Mob

Due to the imminence of various technological advances and their ability to appeal to society’s demand for speedy service and results, we have become not depended on technology, but rather accustomed. Our society’s upbringing with technology has in a sense shaped and evolved the world today. Advances in technology in regards to our level of connectedness, was initially meant to satisfy the world, by making everyday tasks easier and enjoyable.  In the process many effects or causes of being so “connected” were revealed. Interpersonal relationships have almost become a thing of the past. People hardly ever initially meet face to face anymore. Mediums such as video chat, text messaging, tweeting and Facebook create alternate means of communication. Why waste time commuting to physically meet when you can use the Second Life program? Why take the time to actually get to know someone when you can just read the info page on his or her profile? Why stop to ask someone what they’ve been up to if you can just browse photos to get the just of it?  Lines of what we use to know as proper manners and etiquette have been crossed due to the extension of connectedness; we know it is impolite to talk on a phone at the dinner table because it is rude and distracting to others, but what about texting? Do the same rules apply?
Being connected has also made a typical day for a criminal easier. There is no doubt that there are stalkers, hackers, and sex offenders lurking around in cyberspace. Connectivity on the Internet has made their jobs easier. Instead of stalker going through the tiresome task of physically following a person around and harassing them, he or she can now do so while in the comfort of their own home. Thieves use to have to be sneaky and mischievous in the way they go about stealing. Nowadays all a thief has to do is hack into a computer by setting viruses for someone to click on that will enable them to track every punch of a computer key, deciphering any hidden passwords, account numbers one may be trying to conceal.  There are many unintended effects of being so connected that many people are unaware of.
The cause of misbehavior and all collective anger that seems to be unleashed online has to do with more than the incentive given by anonymity and connectivity, it’s deeper than that. Anonymity plus connectivity breeds a mixture of curiosity, confidence, and willingness. What would you do if you were invincible and had the ability to do anything you wanted? It’s not so much the anonymity and connectivity that equals misbehavior and cruelty online, it’s the openness and confidence people possess when they do not directly have to deal with the responsibilities that come with their actions. Depending on the person, their morals, and the degree, to which they follow those morals, determines whether they will chose a path that will negatively or positively affect people.  

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Web 2.0: Discussion Questions

1. Amateurish or "homegrown" TV and advertisements give people a sense of realism, or rather something to relate to. Subconsciously we are able to to this type of TV and ads because of the fact that it is not professionally produced, and not necessarily done up with all the glamor, hype and superficiality it usually entails. Think about the difference in production of the two; the action, the graphics, the professionalism. Professional production puts us in a fantasy, a place of euphoria. regular tv shows tend to stick to more plots that deal with everyday issues. With that being said the production will fluctuate, as it does in all aspects TV and Advertising.

2. I tend to use facebook. The reason facebook is so much more successful because of the way it came on the scene of social networking sites. When facebook first hit the web, users were not able to sign up unless they were in college or had a college email address. This is what separated it from myspace and other sites. Because it was only offered to college students, any non college students were unable to sign up. This made it exclusive. People who could join loved it, and people who couldn't were curious about it. As it grew more popular the site opened its services to all and any users, causing it to expand to an even greater population, the entire world.

3. Transparency is important in both on and offline, Online transparency is much more imperative because the parties are not physically present, which eliminates any chances of direct inference of the situation. Offline, people can directly interact, decipher and simulate with any situation. So transparency is important in both areas, but differs in degree of importance as well.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

McLuhan Final Project

Advertisement campaigns are very important when it comes to the popularity and publication of a product. There are many messages we can decipher when studying campaign ads. The advertisement is more than just the picture itself. The caption at the bottom tells us that this product will super charge us up with electrolyes, carbs and everything else gatorade has to offer when drinking it. The fact that Michael jordan is on the cover certifies that this product is definitely used by elite athletes. Lastly, notice his positioning, how high he is, how fit he is. This also gives us the impression that by drinking gatorade we are on our way to performing like a pro.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

3 mediums

1. Gatorade Poster:
 This medium has a lot of messages. On the Ad is Micheal Jordan, one of the best athletes in the world. To the right of him is a Gatorade logo, implying that only the best athletes drink gatorade. Even the simplistic design of the bolt in the gatorade logo sends a message, a message that this product will give you thwe energy charge you need.

2. Fios Cable Box:
Today we use technology like this to stay connected with television, internet, cell phones and home phones. All with one piece of technology.

3. Speakers:
This medium is used to project audio sound (messages) in a more hightened and clearer way.